The Atomic Attack of the Son of the Seaweed Creature_peliplat
The Atomic Attack of the Son of the Seaweed Creature_peliplat

The Atomic Attack of the Son of the Seaweed Creature (2013)

None | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Bret Alan Fessenden

"The Atomic Attack of the Son of the Seaweed Creature" is a "1950s" monster movie. Complete with teen rebels, an eccentric scientist and his accompanying Igor, a small-town sheriff, and a radioactive monster (not to mention jump cuts, boom mics, and badly dubbed dialog!), the film is a love letter to fans of classic Z-grade films, and people who love the TV show "Mystery Science Theater 3000".

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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