The Tough Guys_peliplat
The Tough Guys_peliplat

The Tough Guys (2013)

A (NO) | Norway | Norwegian | 74 min
Directed by: Christian Lo

The Tough Guys is the story about 11-year old Modulf who thinks he is a super hero. Every day he is bullied by the toughest guys at school. And that's fine. Because if Modulf is the one being bullied - the other children won't be. One day a new girl moves in next door, Lise. Lise does not agree with Modulf's theories. She cares, and creates havoc in the ranks - and suddenly she is the one in the middle of the storm who must be saved. Modulf is forced to face his own situation - and do something about it.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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