A man sustains an injury causing blood to seep from his mouth... then a girl casually removes the coil of intestine hanging from his blown out gut and tosses it.
A girl is beaten ruthlessly by 3 college boys. Mainly just sound effects as they kick and stomp at her (off-camera) body.... Until one of them mounts over her and, with horrific close-ups, bashes his fist into her face.... repeatedly. It is very bloody in the end.
A man is beaten and made to lap up his own blood from the ground where he laid. Then he is jabbed in the neck with a random syringe and gets his neck snapped right after, finally killing him.
A man assaults a girl, banging the back of her head repeatedly against a brick wall before slamming her head-first to the ground.
A man is beaten to death with a lead water pipe. Mostly off-screen.
A man has his face beaten bloody by a series of ground punches.