Carlos Agulló
Mandy Jacobson
Stars (in credits order)
Jean-Yves Ollivier
Jean-Yves Ollivier, aka 'Monsieur Jacques'
Winnie Mandela
ANC activist, South Africa
Thabo Mbeki
Former President, South Africa
Matthews Phosa
Pik Botha
Minister of Foreign Affairs, South Africa
Joaquim Chissano
Former President, Mozanbique
Neels Van Tonder
Head of Military Intelligence, South Africa
Jacinto Veloso
Minister of Security and Cooperation, Mozambique
Michael Ledeen
National Security Council, USA
Rusty Evans
Director-General of Foreign Affairs, South Africa
Denis Sassou-Nguesso
President, Congo-Brazzaville
Chester Crocker
Assistant Secretary of State, USA
Jean-Christophe Mitterrand
Presidential Advisor for African Affairs, France
Michel Roussin
Chief of Staff of Prime Minister Chirac, France
Odile Biyidi
President of Survie [NGO], France
Jorge Risquet
African Affairs, Central Comitee of the CCP, Cuba
Wynand du Toit
Special Forces, South Africa
Afonso Van-Dúnem M'Binda
Minister of Foreign Relations, Angola
Pieter Willem Botha
Self (as P.W. Botha) (archiveFootage)
F.W. de Klerk
Self (archiveFootage)
Nelson Mandela
Jonas Savimbi
Desmond Tutu
Fidel Castro
Self (uncredited) (archiveFootage)
Jacques Chirac
Nancy Reagan
Ronald Reagan