Some Na Ceremonies_peliplat
Some Na Ceremonies_peliplat

Some Na Ceremonies (2015)

None | China, USA | 31 min
Directed by: Archei Onci, Duoji Ruheng

Some Na Ceremonies, created by Na directors Onci Archei and Ruheng Duoji and produced by Tami Blumenfield, is a montage of five short pieces. Representations of Na people (a.k.a. Moso) usually center on their matrilineal kinship system, overlooking religion, a central aspect in the lives of Na people. This film's directors decided to intervene in this omission, capturing important ceremonies on digital video. Ranging from a film festival, to a pig-sacrifice ceremony, to a three-day funerary ceremony, the ceremonies presented here are rivetingly elaborate and spiritually meaningful. By avoiding interpretation or voice-over narration but using carefully crafted visual images, the film emphasizes the partiality of any representational attempt. The ceremonies presented are but a glimpse of a much larger ceremonial and spiritual world.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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