Cafe Goodluck_peliplat
Cafe Goodluck_peliplat

Cafe Goodluck (2006)

None | India | Marathi | 7 min
Directed by: Ketki Pandit

On the busy streets around Café Goodluck, little kids sell balloons, clean vehicles, sing and dance to earn their living. Sometime there is money, sometime there isn't. They sleep on footpaths or in shacks of tarpaulin, shivering in the cold. But they are happy. They have their own ways of having fun. They don't complain about their situation; it has been accepted as life. This is saddening, because there is no effort to rise above the state of mere survival, and their way of life continues to be basic, animalistic. The camera follows a bunch of these kids, highlighting the irony of their carefree yet gravely hopeless existence.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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