The Idea of You
Wrong Turn
Iron Fist
Mala influencia
The Cat from Outer Space
Rosario Tijeras
Accidentally Engaged
Moana 2
Love Happens
Stars (in credits order)
Sara Amato
Sara Del Rey - Sweet 'n' Sour Inc.
Jorge Arias
Incognito- Los Luchadores de Mexico
Arik Cannon
Immortal White - The Immortals of Waipahu
James Cipperly
Fire Ant - The Colony
Darin Corbin
Self - The North Star Express
Jose Cordero
Lince Dorado - Los Luchadores de Mexico
Self - The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple
Ryan Cruz
Nicolas Dansereau
Player Uno- The Super Smash Brothers
Barry Darsow
Smash- Demolition
William Hunter Johnston
Delirious- The Golden Trio
Bobby Dempsey
Bobby Dempsey - Sweet 'N' Sour Inc.
Reno Diamond
Andrew Dinsmore
Marc Dionne
Stupefied- The Super Smash Brothers
Tim Donst
Terry Dormer
Self - The Kartel
PJ Drummond
Bill Eadie
Ax- Demolition
El Hijo del Ice Cream
Self - Los Ice Creams
Andrew Everett
Chiva IV- Las Chivas Rayadas
Vin Gerard
Robert Goodwin
Hallowicked- The Golden Trio
Drew Gulak
Soldier Ant - The Colony
Martin Harris
Martin Stone
Dasher Hatfield
Shayne Hawke
Self - The Fabulous Three
Ice Cream Jr.
Kris Kavanaugh
Immortal Black- The Immortals of Waipahu
Atsushi Kudo
Kudo - Team Japan
Ray Lloyd
Trevor Mann
Helios- The Golden Trio
Claude Marrow
Ruckus- BLK OUT
Self - Team Japan
Edward Moore
Eddie Kingston - BLKOUT
Michael Nakazawa
Marcus O'Neal
Self - The Southern Saints
Ophidian - The Osirian Portal
Bill Posada
Joker- BLK OUT
Francisco Javier Pozas
El Pantera- Los Luchadores de Mexico
Desean Pratt
Amasis - The Osirian Portal
Shawn Reed
Bryce Remsburg
Jorge Riviera
Jorge 'Skayde' Riviera
Mitch Ryder
Sha Samuels
Takeshi Sato
Go- Team El Dorado
Kazuki Sawada
Mototsugu Shimizu
Self - Team El Dorado
Mike Spillane
Mike Quackenbush
Joseph R. Sposto
Leonard F. Chikarason- commentator
Shane Storm
Yuya Susumu
SUSUMU- Team Japan
Alex Whybrow
Larry Sweeney- The Fabulous Three
Ultramantis Black
UltraMantis Black - Commentator
Worker Ant
Self - The Colony