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Directed by: Murali K. Thalluri
This title has not premiered yet

It is 2035. Twenty years earlier, a virus escaped from a biological weapons lab wiping out 99% of humanity. Those that are left, have fled from the city centres and over time, have divided off into racial groups. After years of oppression by the Whites, the various racial minorities band together to form a group called the Junaid. In 2035, the Junaid are in power. The virus is still killing people, and both the Junaid and the Whites will stop at nothing to find a cure to help their own people; and wipe out their opposition. In a bid to keep his daughter safe from the virus, Ava's father has kept her hidden from ethe world for 22 years. Locked in her home, believing that they are the only people left; she's been completely sheltered from the harsh realities of this new world. When their house gets raided, and her father killed, Ava is forced into a world she knows very little about. Almost instantly, she's caught by Junaid soldiers and finds herself in a market place amongst other white prisoners, being sold at auction. She gets sold to a medical research facility searching for a cure. It quickly becomes evident that Ava is immune to the virus. Instantly she's the most valuable person on the planet. In a desperate bid to ensure Ava's gift is available to the masses, not just the Junaid, a Jewish doctor and an African prisoner help her escape. Their intent is to get her to Sion; a safe haven comprising of doctors and scientists, amongst others, working on a cure that they hope to share with everybody, regardless of race. One is an edge of your seat chase movie that deals with race, racism and refugees through the eyes of an innocent 26 year old girl who is the hope of her world, yet holds fundamental doubts about whether she can live up to this daunting task.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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