1 Way Up: The Story of Peckham BMX_peliplat
1 Way Up: The Story of Peckham BMX_peliplat

1 Way Up: The Story of Peckham BMX (2014)

PG (GB) | USA, UK | English | 66 min
Directed by: Amy Mathieson

1 Way Up in 3D is the story of the Peckham BMX Club and two teens on the road to the BMX World Championships. They hope to escape one of the toughest gang neighborhoods in London with the only thing they have - a bike. Defying all odds, they race to the top of the BMX ranks and off the streets. The film challenges stereotypes of youth born into poverty and proves it's not about where you're from but where you're heading that defines one's character.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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