Vingt-et-un tentatives_peliplat
Vingt-et-un tentatives_peliplat

Vingt-et-un tentatives (2011)

None | Australia | English | 8 min
Directed by: Briana Goodchild

Vingt-et-un Tentatives is a French new wave inspired film about quirky, timid yet intelligent Aime. Aime has always loved Valentine, but after a failed attempt of expressing affection, Aime let go of living in the moment, choosing to simply observe life and love. Years later in final year, Aime realises that it is his last chance to confess his love to Valentine. He over-thinks and over-complicates an additional 19 attempted love gestures, leaving Valentine still ignorant. But finally, Aime takes courage as he concludes that his aim has not been to receive love in return, but to fulfill his duty of letting Valentine know that she is loved. She deserves to know.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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