Siamo fatti così: Aiuto!_peliplat
Siamo fatti così: Aiuto!_peliplat

Siamo fatti così: Aiuto! (1980)

VM18 (IT) | Italy | Italian | 90 min
Directed by: Gianni Proia

The film opens with blaring music over a large number of magazine covers and page one titles from the reference press leading to the conclusion that the present society is beyond redemption. The sequence ends with a mix of photos of politicians and other V.I.P.'s, and T&A, tending to the conclusion that they are all the same. The filmed, unrelated segments include: a nude man running after a nude girl in the woods; a show of women wrestling in the nude; capture and killing of sea-wales; the novelty of a sperm bank; an intermezzo of nude women playing music without instruments; a meeting of bigwigs discussing the hunger in the world during a large meal; and censors and priests discussing morality while a couple has sex on the meeting table.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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