Jazz Nights: A Confidential Journey_peliplat
Jazz Nights: A Confidential Journey_peliplat

Jazz Nights: A Confidential Journey (2016)

None | USA | English | 104 min
Directed by: Hal Masonberg

The documentary JAZZ NIGHTS: A CONFIDENTIAL JOURNEY reveals a fearless and electrifying experiment involving a group of L.A.'s top jazz musicians who secretly forged a modern-day version of the forbidden speakeasy culture that jazz itself grew out of. For 2 years, these premiere musicians congregated on Sunday nights - through word-of-mouth-only - at an illegal, back-room hash bar in the heart of Hollywood. JAZZ NIGHTS digs deeply into what it means to take risks as an artist and what it means to be part of the daring and oftentimes illicit history of jazz. The passion and community that emerges from this rare moment in time is intimately captured in what turns out to be the only living record of this incredibly uplifting and audacious moment in music history.

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