Rock Paper Dice Enter_peliplat
Rock Paper Dice Enter_peliplat

Rock Paper Dice Enter (2014)

None | Canada | English | 82 min
Directed by: Shreela Chakrabartty

The feature suspense thriller makes you think twice about what you say and do with your key strokes. In the fictitious US data back up center of Strathaven, Roman, an IT specialist and hacker, triggers a security protocol to reach the highest federal ranks. The municipal heads, code named Phantom6, huddle to locate who is behind what appears to be a shady diamond heist. Roman buys time to escape with national security data and instigate something even bigger. Using principles of power, chance, information, leverage and randomness, a series of events shake up the North American hub for security and prosperity.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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