A character gets shot in the back, and then impaled. That character stabs a villain in the back.
Yang punches a guy in the face and he hits many walls around the room. This is played for laughs.
A man is grabbed off a train by a grimm and killed offscreen.
A man hits his arm against the mouth of a tunnel and has it broken.
A villain kills a someone off-screen and takes their clothes.
A character punches another character.
A character cuts themselves against another character's blade on purpose.
A woman throws a table which knocks another character over.
People are found dead in their beds.
The fights leave one or more characters nearly or completely incapacitated.
A character has the skin on their arm completely burned off.
A character is stabbed through the chest with a giant broadsword and bleeds to death.
A man is shot offscreen.
A character fights a pig-like Grimm creature and stabs it to death.
A character is beaten by bullies, until a bear monster attacks them, and the bullied character decapitates it.
A human death is implied and this character's son stands near his body, implying to be the killer, and blood is shown on his bandages and mouth. A character is shot in the back with an arrow.
A character is thrown into a wall and leaves a sizable dent.
In Volume 3 Chapter 10, Grimm invade the city as well a previously seen villains with the intent to create as much destruction as possible. An important character is in a ship as it crashes and his fate is left unknown until a later chapter. Grimm continue to attack and come close to overrunning some of the fighters, two teachers stay to fight and their fates are left unknown.
Men and women fight using magic.