China, Hungary and the Soccer_peliplat
China, Hungary and the Soccer_peliplat

China, Hungary and the Soccer

None | Hungary, China | Hungarian, Chinese |
Directed by: István Bán
This title has not premiered yet

Since 1954, the Chinese and Hungarian people have bonded. What started as an exhibition football game between the two nations evolved into a relationship that helped football reach new levels of popularity in the Far East. In this charming Eats-meets-West story, we are introduced to the former Chinese footballers reminiscing about their time training and living alongside Hungary's legendary "Golden team'. Not only did the Chinese team return home with newfound skills, their experience lead to a complete reform of Chinese and Asian football. This documentary builds upon this existing bond, being the first Hungarian-Chinese co-production in history, offering a first-hand account of the strength of sports diplomacy in connecting people across seemingly great divides.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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