2013 Sympoisum on Official and Scientific Investigations of UAP (UFO's)_peliplat
2013 Sympoisum on Official and Scientific Investigations of UAP (UFO's)_peliplat

2013 Sympoisum on Official and Scientific Investigations of UAP (UFO's) (2013)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Michael D. Acosta

The Symposium on UAP (UFO's) brings together a credentialed group of scientists, professors, pilots, military officers, foreign dignitaries, and investigative journalists to discuss how UAP affects safety in national skies. Finding a quantifiable measuring stick is paramount to studying this phenomena properly, which leads to the logical conclusion that a government funded agency must be create to accurately study it. The countries represented at this conference are the U.S., Chile, France, and Belgium. At the conference an international deal between Chile and France was struck to share information on UAP. This is the first agreement of its kind.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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