Re-evaluation of Sinan Through Huseyin Anka_peliplat
Re-evaluation of Sinan Through Huseyin Anka_peliplat

Re-evaluation of Sinan Through Huseyin Anka (1990)

None | Turkey | Japanese, French, German, English, Turkish | 40 min
Directed by: Suha Arin

During the researches of Suha Arin and his team on Sinan the Architect which was intensified in 1988, a booklet called "Tezkiret-ül Bünyan" in which the memories of Sinan took place was translated to modern Turkish. Meanwhile, a painting of Sinan which was made while he was alive was discovered by chance in one of the miniatures brought from a library found in Ireland. Consequently, new details on Sinan was acquired. How did Hüseyin Anka interpret Sinan in his mental image with the limited data of that time as a sculptor, who had the responsibility to make a sculpture of Sinan, by winning a competition arranged upon the order of Atatürk to "make a sculpture of Sinan". After reading the memories of Sinan and seeing the miniature of him, how did Hüseyin Anka interpret and do it after 45 years old? "Re-evaluation of Sinan Through Hüseyin Anka" is the outcome of the searches of the director to find an answer for these questions. In this documentary, Hüseyin Anka, by working on a mud bust, reinterprets step by step the fifty-year period in which Sinan was a chief designer. This film is a phenomenon in which two artists, who came from a village and achieved a carrier with the state support, share their sorrow and question yesterday, today and tomorrow after 450 years by coming together in a workshop as the "real" artists who still perform their skills even in their 80s.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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