Has Anyone Seen Eyal Nurich?_peliplat
Has Anyone Seen Eyal Nurich?_peliplat

Has Anyone Seen Eyal Nurich? (2013)

None | Israel | Hebrew | 16 min

The film deals with a personal experience, in which a person feels helpless and powerless in his home turf. Specifically in this film that person is Rona, a young woman, sexually inhibited; In that crucial period that is the transformation from adolescence into a figure of authority. This process which the protagonist goes through is true also for the film itself. The film will change its tone, and like the daylight gradually disappears and a black night envelopes the group, so does the film's light and casual tone changes into a more dramatic and disturbing one. The way in which the protagonist perceives the reality around her turns dark and nightmarish.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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