Arches + Bridges_peliplat
Arches + Bridges_peliplat

Arches + Bridges (2012)

AL (NL) | Netherlands | Dutch, English | 80 min
Directed by: Michiel van Hout

In 2012 it was 175 years ago that the sisters of charity of Saint Charles Borromeo were founded in Maastricht, the Netherlands. These so called 'sisters under the arches' celebrate their jubilee with the documentary Arches + Bridges. This film takes you into the past, the present and the future of the congregation. Travel the world to the countries where their widespread missionary works take place. Experience the history, spirituality, inspiration and ideals of the foundress, Mother Elisabeth Gruyters, and the many sisters who followed her. See their efforts in finding the face of Jesus in every person, in building bridges between heaven and earth.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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