Crossing the Line_peliplat
Crossing the Line_peliplat

Crossing the Line (2013)

None | Denmark | Danish | 45 min
Directed by: Theis Molin

The story of the activist Hanna Ziadeh and his struggle for human rights in the Middle East - as it unfolds in the streets of Cairo, Beirut and Aleppo, - while the Arab spring turns to fall. The story of Hanna Ziadeh Hanna was born in Beirut; he is a PhD fellow at the Danish Institute for Human Rights and specialized in the modern history of the Arab world. He is half Lebanese, half Palestinian, atheist, but of Christian descent, and homosexual. He knows everything about belonging to a minority, about being an outsider even among outsiders. His inconformity shines through when you meet him, as his engagement, caring and loving appearance overwhelms you. Since his escape from Lebanon in 1986 he has been waiting for a democratic alternative to the Arab dictatorships.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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