A Path Less Taken: From Ministry to Non-Belief and Beyond_peliplat
A Path Less Taken: From Ministry to Non-Belief and Beyond_peliplat

A Path Less Taken: From Ministry to Non-Belief and Beyond (2014)

None | USA | English | 98 min
Directed by: Jim Lawrence

In this highly provocative documentary, four former ministers speak candidly about their religious faith, their personal doubts and what ultimately led them to set forth on a path toward non-belief. Though each served a number of years in the ministry, each is now an avowed atheist. Calvin King grew up in a Midwestern Mennonite home and spent thirty years as a Mennonite pastor. Annalise Fonza was raised Roman Catholic, attended the Baptist Church, studied to be an attorney, but was eventually ordained a United Methodist minister. Teresa MacBain is the daughter of a conservative Baptist pastor who worked in prison ministry, elder ministry and in a drug rehab program before serving United Methodist pastorates in North Florida. Rich Lyons comes from an Episcopalian background but spent twenty years as the pastor of a United Pentecostal Church in East Texas. Just as each comes from a very different background, each has also found a very different reason for leaving faith behind. The DVD is divided into two parts: THE CALL, in which each talks about the call to ministry, and THE COMING OUT, in which they speak about what led to their leaving it.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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