Salvaterra - Terra de Negro_peliplat
Salvaterra - Terra de Negro_peliplat

Salvaterra - Terra de Negro (2008)

None | Brazil | Portuguese | 48 min
Directed by: Priscilla Brasil

The trials of the people of the afro-amazonian "quilombos" is documented in Salvaterra, a municipality in the Marajó Isle in Pará, Brazil. The documentary enlightens us about the situation that confined these communities, whom used to freely transit the lands of this peculiar region, compromising all their activities: from agriculture to leisure, from fishing to religious manifestations. These people became confined to a strict and delimited space, and are seen struggling for their land and to preserve their identity and cultural tradition. "Terra de Negro" would be a mere artistic record of the quilombola people of Salvaterra, but from the first interview it becomes clear that their story goes deeper as they unveil their worries about isolation and the progressive growth of farms amidst their villages.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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