
Hair (2015)

Not Rated (US) | USA, Austria, France | English | 72 min
Directed by: Sasha Marie Speer, Guy Boudreaux, Carly Pandza

From the time we are born we share an intimate connection to our hair. The documentary, "Hair", explores hair, and how it, or the lack of it, shapes our identity. When a young woman sets out to shave her head just to do away with what she felt was controlling her daily mood, she found that she ended up becoming more mindful of who she was. She went from a "beer drinking, rib-eating woman", to a vegetarian who prefers tea over a cocktail. She lost 30 pounds and has become much more focused in her life and career. As a result of her transformation, she decides to throw a fund-raising event in LA to empower women through shaving off their own locks. What she finds is that hair has a much deeper meaning than that of looks, and it affects men and women. It is part of our identity. What role do other people play in the perception of our hair, and what lengths are we willing to go to to either break the mold or to succumb to society's pre-determined perception of ones inner beauty? What happens if we shave it off? If we lose it from cancer treatment? How do we feel with a new hairstyle or color? Does it shape our personality? Is your hair an extension of you? Or are you an extension of your hair?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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