La mañana no comienza aquí_peliplat
La mañana no comienza aquí_peliplat

La mañana no comienza aquí (2014)

None | Mexico | Spanish | 104 min
Directed by: Iván Ávila Dueñas

Denisse is 23 years old, lives in Mexico City and has a special talent for parties, which she is trying to turn into a trade; she wants to be a DJ. Laura Esquivel is 19, born and raised in a small village in Zacatecas. Due to her lack of interest in school, she was forced to help out in the fields; she spends most of her time shepherding the family's flock of goats. Although it seems unlike that they would ever meet, since Denisse plays music and Laura watches over animals in the fields, in their thoughts there is the possibility of an encounter.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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