Multiple stabbings in the chest throughout the movie. All are very brutal, with blood shown, and are extremely painful to watch.
A man's head is cut off with a chainsaw. They show the whole thing. There's a close up of the victim's head. You then see the head fall to the ground. Blood pours and squirts everywhere like a geyser, and it's realistic.
The killings and violence is extremely gruesome, in your face and savagely brutal.
A man falls onto a running chainsaw. Blood pours from his mouth and sprays everywhere as he is sawed and beaten in the head repeatedly, eventually killing him.
Brutal bloody beatings.
A woman is covered head to toe in blood by the end of the movie.
Many images of dead bodies throughout. They are all very decayed.
The film opens with a man being viscously slaughtered with an axe. This is in black-and-white, but blood and bodily fluids spew out and disgusting noises are heard. His agonized face is shown as he is struck.
Members of the traveling group start to be killed off one after the other. The victims in turn manage to kill some of their would-be killers.
Several people are attacked from behind at nights and killed.
R violence type: blood, gore, brutal and graphic.
A helpless mutilated woman is sawed in half with a chainsaw while on the floor. Blood sprays everywhere as close-ups of the saw tearing her apart are shown in quick succession. Extremely gruesome and graphic.
A woman is shown to have been severely mutilated and left on the floor. She is covered in blood and gaping wounds while she begs for her life.
A man has a weapon with a nail in it slammed into the back of his head. It is torn out (up-close, gory) before he begins spasming on the floor with blood gushing out of his head. He is brutally stabbed in the chest repeatedly in bloody detail, eventually killing him.
A man is beaten with a spiked bat and mortally wounded. Blood is shown.
The mutilated nude corpses of two women are shown. One of them is sliced up and the other has her eyes carved out of her face.
The stabbing scenes are especially brutal and graphic as extreme close-ups of the blade penetrating are often shown.
A man is repeatedly smashed in the head with a spiked bat until his head is crushed into the floor. Blood splats all over the place and another woman watches while crying.
A woman's neck is sawed open with a knife and blood gushes out in high quantities.
There is a disturbing stabbing where the knife is dragged up the victims stomach, cutting her open before she falls to the ground.
There is a viscous beating and strangulation against a woman by a sadistic killer. She is tortured to an inch of her life, but survives the attack.
A nude, mutilated woman is shown to have a sex doll wrapped around her while she is still alive, meanwhile graphic sexual language is played on a radio next to her to torment her. She is then killed with a chainsaw. Sadistic and horrible to watch.
There is non-stop, endless carnage and gore throughout the film along with sadistic violent acts making it one of the most gruesome films of all time, even while holding an R rating.
Inexplicably violent for a film rated R rather than NC-17.
Heavily implied sexual violence.
All of the killings are super in your face and insanely gruesome.