A man is stabbed in the head. It is sudden and seen in full, knife entering and exiting, with blood.
A man spits up blood.
A woman is laying in a pool of blood, wounds visible on her throat.
A man is struck in the back with an axe several times. This happens in the background of the scene. Wounds on his back are shown briefly, not very gory but there is blood.
A man is strangled briefly.
A man's neck is snapped.
A woman is struck in the stomach with an axe. She holds her wound while it bleeds profusely.
A fake body for the attraction is rather gruesome. It's chest cavity is open, with bloody ribs and peeled back skin. It is covered in blood.
A man slips down some concrete steps, injuring his ankle. It is shown scuffed up and bloody.
A woman hits a man on the back of the head with a metal bar.
A man's throat is crushed in another man's grip.
A man is struck in the stomach with an axe.
A man is struck several times in the head with an axe. The camera is shaky, so impact and wounds are obscured. He is seen later with his face vaguely bloody, a few very shallow appearing wounds.
A woman breaks glass over a man's head.
A woman is choked with one hand.
A woman is thrown. Impact not shown.