Thank You, Sir! I Am A Teacher_peliplat
Thank You, Sir! I Am A Teacher_peliplat

Thank You, Sir! I Am A Teacher (2012)

None | Bhutan | Dzongkha | 190 min
Directed by: Tshering Gyeltshen

JIGMED LODHEN (Tshering Gyeltshen) arrives in Mendrupling Higher Secondary School (Bayling HSS) like a breath of fresh air. He is filled with passion and an earnest zeal for his life's calling - TEACHING. He is prepared and determined to prove that teachers dedicated to their calling and passionate about their work will make all the difference... or the critical difference. But can he? This is what "Thank You, Sir" is all about. As Jigmed's life unravels in Mendrupling in the course of five years we come across MENDREL YUTSHO (Tshering Zangmo), LHAKSAM LONGDROEL (Karma Samdrup - Anku), LEKZEEN REENGSEL (Namgyel Lhamo)... PRINCIPAL NGELHEY DORJI (Thinley Wangchuk) and, of course, how can we even forget "SIR" NAALHA TASHI (Cheten Wangchuk). But who really are these "people"? Well, this is what "Thank You, Sir" is all about!

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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