Naoshima (Dream on the Tongue)_peliplat
Naoshima (Dream on the Tongue)_peliplat

Naoshima (Dream on the Tongue) (2014)

PG (SG) | France | Japanese, English | 67 min
Directed by: Claire Laborey

Naoshima is a small Japanese island in the Seto inland sea hosting a fascinating contemporary art sponsoring project since the 90s. Urged by a businessman, museums and outdoor installations have grown in number on Naoshima, which was until then only populated by fishermen, farmers and workers, and affected by the post-industrial exodus, a decline in population and its local economy. NAOSHIMA (DREAM ON THE TONGUE) is the exploration of this island, as a place for unexpected exchange between contemporary art, traditions, and everyday life.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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