Seadlinnng Shin: Kiba 3rd Night_peliplat
Seadlinnng Shin: Kiba 3rd Night_peliplat

Seadlinnng Shin: Kiba 3rd Night (2018)

None | Japan | Japanese, English | 158 min
Directed by: Nanae Takahashi

We're in Shin-Kiba 1st Ring as you can tell from the show title. Just over 300 in attendance. It is quite sad to me that despite increased exposure for women's wrestling that women's only shows still draw massively smaller numbers than the men's shows. This is the first SEAdLINNNG show I've seen. They start off by having 25 minutes of talking in a studio. It's odd. Skip in 33 minutes for the actual show start.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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