You Only Die Twice_peliplat
You Only Die Twice_peliplat

You Only Die Twice (2018)

6 (AT) | Israel, Austria | Hebrew, English, German, Serbo-Croatian | 92 min
Directed by: Yair Lev

Yair Lev, a Israeli documentary filmmaker turns a detective and sets on a personal and historical journey to uncover the true identity behind the man who stole his grandfather's identity and later on became the president of a Jewish community in Austria. Who was this man who took another man's identity? Why and how did he do it? What dark past did he want to conceal? Was he a Nazi? A Kapo? This documentary detective thriller is a journey into the 20th century heart of darkness, which eventually reveals a drama of survival, collaboration with the enemy and finally, at the end of the night, an extraordinary love story.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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