The Barbershop_peliplat
The Barbershop_peliplat

The Barbershop (2019)

None | UK | English |
Directed by: Monshur Alam

The Barbershop is a colourful, larger than life and deliciously darkly humoured drama piece which uses comedy in order to address powerful themes which touch upon the human condition. The key themes running throughout the film are friendship, community, love, fear and diversity, which all come together to address the overall key question - What is it to be a Londoner? This film explores the culture and diversity of London by revealing the identities and idiosyncrasies of the people that inhabit this wonderful melting pot of hybridity, and the occasional bumps that inevitably occur as cultures and traditions clash and try to supersede one another with humorous outcomes.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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