The Oyster Position_peliplat
The Oyster Position_peliplat

The Oyster Position (2018)

None | UK | English | 11 min
Directed by: Simon Massey

Perfect couple Oliver and Lucy are getting married, but boastful best man Vince is appalled when he discovers that the groom has only ever slept with his bride-to-be. On the stag night, Vince pays escort Kim to introduce Oliver to the fabled pleasures of the Viennese Oyster Position. But when a text goes astray and Lucy shows up in her wedding dress, pimp Tony tries to recruit her to his sleazy agency. Unfulfilled Oliver hurriedly dresses, leaving would-be stud Vince to fail dismally in the sack with Kim. THE OYSTER POSITION is a salutary story about settling down, sex and seafood.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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