In season 1, episode 3, there is a scene where the girl walks into a bedroom. There are two people in the throes of sex, frozen in time. This scene lasts for nearly 5 minutes and occurs again several minutes later. Nipples are seen, as well as close-ups of their faces.
Season 1, episode 2 contains a drawings of fully naked women, episode 3 contains a couple in the throws of passion, but frozen in time.
Season 1, Episode 6. There is man pleasuring himself in bed to the photograph of another man.
Season 1, Episode 6. A man sits outside of a window and listen to a man and another man have intimate relations. Nothing is shown but sex is implied. Later on in the episode, two male characters kiss passionately in a shed. Sex is also implied when the two characters disappear into a room together after one unbuckles his pants. Nothing graphic is shown or heard.
The TV Y rating seems completely off here. Way too much explicit content for this rating. (The rating error was corrected to TV-MA)
Season 1, Episode 3 contains a sex scene, it's from a distance and the people are clothed but it's graphic enough.
Season 1, episode 2: a boy and girl kiss passionately, he fondles her breasts over the clothes.
Season 1, Episode 3 contains two people in bed, the woman on top with fully exposed breasts. The scene is frozen but explicit positions and expressions are shown.