West of nowhere_peliplat
West of nowhere_peliplat

West of nowhere (2018)

None | China | English, Chinese | 63 min
Directed by: Tian Xie

In a desolate town in the western United States, Stan, known as the "mad artist", established his own power here, and he became the most powerful person in the town. Juvenile is a simple child. His biggest dream at this stage is to upgrade his scooter into a heavy locomotive. For this reason, he found an opportunity to help Stan work. At the same time, Chan, who came to the town to investigate the death of her boyfriend, was approaching Stan. She also applied to become a caregiver looking after the Stanley House. When Chan first arrived in the town, the cautious Shi Dan paid attention to this temperamental Chinese girl. And Heng loves the beautiful Can at first sight, deeply likes her - A lonely boy, a girl who bears hatred, a bloodthirsty killer, is about to start in this desolate barren land. The bloody hurricane.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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