Love in the City of Gardens_peliplat
Love in the City of Gardens_peliplat

Love in the City of Gardens (2017)

None | Poland | Polish | 96 min
Directed by: Adam Sikora, Ingmar Villqist

The action takes place in the artistic world of Katowice's elite, in the world of tasteful architecture, stylish interiors and works of art. Michal, a successful architect, and director of the art gallery Marta with her son in prosperity. Their blissful life is unrecognizable when Michal causes a dangerous product, a device. Family with trouble must, but something starts when weighing down to continue feeding on their shoulders. The spouses distance themselves from each other and both lovers. Will they save the feeling or will new relationships find it?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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