Whatever We Want_peliplat
Whatever We Want_peliplat

Whatever We Want (2019)

None | Russia | Russian | 84 min
Directed by: Vladimir Kozlov

Katya and Pasha are a Moscow student couple in their early twenties. They don't care about politics or authorities. They aren't really rebellious, they just want to be left alone and have fun. One day they come to a punk concert at a small club, but two rogue policemen stop the show in the middle of it - there are no formal grounds to do that, but the policemen just enjoy their power. Katya tries to reason with one of the officers, but he reacts in a brutal way, and Pasha has to defend her. Katya and Pasha escape and they hope they're safe. But in Russia, you shouldn't mess with the police, and next morning, the young people learn that they are in trouble. Their only way out is to pay the policemen off, and they embark on a mission of getting the cash - borrowing, begging, doing whatever they can. And they only have several hours to come up with the cash.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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