Kleine Germanen - Eine Kindheit in der rechten Szene_peliplat
Kleine Germanen - Eine Kindheit in der rechten Szene_peliplat

Kleine Germanen - Eine Kindheit in der rechten Szene (2019)

12 (DE) | Germany | German | 85 min
Directed by: Mohammad Farokhmanesh, Frank Geiger

Our children grow up in a world ruled by extremes: the fight for freedom and democracy on one side and the call for national isolation on the other side. LITTLE GERMANS combines animation and documentary film to tell the stories of children that are born into extreme right-wing families. From a young age on they are conditioned to hate everything that seems "foreign". How does it feel to grow up in a world, where empathy is subsidiary and "the nation" stands above everything? And who do those "little Germans" become once they grow up?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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