Dumpster Fire: A Time Of Current Times_peliplat
Dumpster Fire: A Time Of Current Times_peliplat

Dumpster Fire: A Time Of Current Times (2019)

None | USA | English | 108 min
Directed by: C. Damon Adcock

Darren Dukely and Bryce Junewood were living life to the absolute fullest. Being successful TV news anchors for over a decade was treating them well. Then childhood nemesis, Clint Stone, returns to this small Louisiana town to turn their life upside down. After buying the TV station Clint immediately fires them out of spite and replaces them with two washed-up luchadors. Over two years later Darren and Bryce are trudging through life at a failing video production company when a twist of fate gives them the opportunity for revenge and redemption. If only they were better at life and spent less time at the local Pub. A fun comedic tale with just a dash of over indulgence.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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