The Office Mix-Up_peliplat
The Office Mix-Up_peliplat
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The Office Mix-Up (2020)

Unrated (US) | USA | English | 86 min
Directed by: Andrew Lawrence

Lacey Keller is brilliantly creative. The only problem is, no one seems to notice, and Lacey doesn't have the confidence to make them notice. Struggling to make ends meet between a job at her best friend's jewelry store and as a night security guard at a marketing firm, Lacey sketches some ideas for a struggling campaign, which accidentally gain the notice of Mikey, the firm's CEO, and his brother Greg, who is trying to prove himself with the campaign. Just one problem -- they assume Lacey is Valerie Staken, an executive who actually turned down their job offer to work at another firm. Tempted by the opportunity to catch up on her bills, Lacey takes on Valerie's identity.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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