The films opens with 3 boats of rifle wielding pirates storm a ship at see, people are frantic and run to hide. A man slips on a staircase and knocks himself unconscious.
A helicopter engages a small boat with armed pirates. Gunfire is exchanged between the small craft and the helicopter. Tracer rounds fly back and forth and the boat is hit by many rounds. A sniper shoots two men in the head on screen, very little blood.
A group of Malaysian Special Forces bump into a group of 6 armed men on a ship and engage is a short fire fight. Lots of rounds are fired, both sides take heavy fire. Two of the armed pirates are shot, with blood and bullet holes mildly shown, but the rest surrender.
Another brief firefight between pirates and the Malaysian Special Forces. A stun grenade is thrown and all enemy are taken prisoner with one man being shot in the leg, blood and hole shown briefly. Sequence lasts less than 3 minutes.
A man is held at gunpoint, yelling between the Malaysian Special Forces and the hostage taker. Hostage taker is seemingly killed but it is not obvious how. He is taken to the ground and no blood or wounds are shown.
An elderly woman with a bloody bandage around her arm is seen.
A long sequence of intense military training. Men are brutalized physically and emotionally, men fight each other in hand to hand combat, men are even shot at with live rounds by their instructor on an obstacle course.
Armed men ambush a truck transporting food. The driver is shot in the head, no blood shown. UN Peacekeepers scare away the armed men.
Several armed men take dozens of hostages, they fire their guns in the air and seem to enjoy their hostages terror.
Several hostages are seen bound and gagged with bombs strapped to them.
Two men engage in a knife fight. They punch, kick, slam, stab, and slash each other with plenty of blood shown. Some stab wounds are graphic and in clearly painful areas of the body.
TV-14 violence type: blood, brutal and graphic.