A man attempts suicide by drowning in a sink. This is a long and disturbing sequence.
The opening scene depicts an extremist political rally, in which children and innocent people are presumably taken from their families and executed. However, this is merely implied and is unlikely to cause much distress.
The film revolves around a ruthless witch-hunt led by political extremists against a shy, innocent Alien
In a brief hallucination sequence, The Alien perceives a plush toy to be an evil monster, with creepy laughing and jarring music heard. However, this is mostly played for laughs and is unlikely to upset viewers
An innocent protester is arrested and shouted at for carrying a cardboard sign with a peace symbol on it
Two politicians scream at an innocent girl, who refuses to speak
Two politicians scream at each other in a tense argument, however this is mostly played for laughs
A long scene involves a man attempting to commit suicide by drowning himself in a sink. This is fairly disturbing.
A six minute sequence involves a person trying to commit suicide on a beach by drowning himself in the sea, before the police can get to him. The scene is very emotional and dramatic, although the suicide is not carried out
A politician curiously accesses his CCTV network, only to discover footage of excruciating treatment of innocent prisoners. Very little is seen, although the audio is very detailed. The prisoners, mainly women and children, can be heard getting shot and attacked with chainsaws
An innocent man is forcibly dragged into a room with a bag over his head, fastened with a belt. Treated like an animal, he struggles to breathe as he is laughed at, taunted and beaten
A lengthy scene centers around two innocent men waiting outside a gas chamber. The mood is grim as they talk about their ruthless fate