Panch Najook Boten_peliplat
Panch Najook Boten_peliplat

Panch Najook Boten (1972)

U (IN) | India | Marathi | 148 min
Directed by: Vasant Painter

Mira elopes to Mumbai from clutches of her step mother where she is shown dreams of being an actress but the people she is come under are running prostitution racket. She comes under scanner of cops and Constable Ram rescues her,Ram falls in love with her but he is already married with two kids and also has a twin brother Anand.Ram takes advantage of being twin of Anand and keeps Mira in dark of being married but when Mira finds about it she decides to part ways from him but its to late as she is pregnant with Ram so Anand decides to marry her.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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