Peanut Butterdrop Ice Cream_peliplat
Peanut Butterdrop Ice Cream_peliplat

Peanut Butterdrop Ice Cream

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Kathi Kennedy Smith
This title has not premiered yet

The smart, strong-willed, young girl, Laura Davidson, desperately seeks answers from her father, Gregory, in the absence of her traitorous mother. With puberty bursting at the seams, and the need for her mom, Laura urges her mild-mannered, protective father to tell her the truth about the absence of her mother, a job that Gregory believes should come from Cynthia, his wife. Lauras patience grows thin after her cousin Jennifer reveals that Cynthia went on a vacation to Australia. The explosive truth alters the lifestyle of both Laura and Gregory, forever.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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