Still Life_peliplat
Still Life_peliplat

Still Life (2015)

None | Australia | English | 46 min
Directed by: Drew Emery

Still Life features the stories and perspectives of six cancer patients and their families at the Olivia Newton John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre (ONJCWRC). Each grapples with the demands of their illness and is forced to come to terms with the mortality we all face. On one hand, life is turned upside down, a barrage of appointments, consultations, treatments and therapies disrupt the normal flow of life and test their resilience. On another hand, time stops. Life is considered, re-evaluated, affirmed. In the face of one of life's biggest and most daunting challenges, Still Life reveals that we have the capacity to become more alive when we need it most. An incredibly raw and moving film, Still Life is helping to break down the barriers of uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis. It will be used throughout the cancer community as a tool to help enhance the understanding of the cancer experience amongst carers, families and friends of the participating patients and many more after the life of this project. It will also be used as a training tool when working with staff, volunteers; it will be presented at conferences and other forums, and to potential donors wanting to learn more about the work of the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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