Sant Boi respira un altre aire_peliplat
Sant Boi respira un altre aire_peliplat

Sant Boi respira un altre aire (2018)

None | Spain | Spanish, Catalan | 20 min
Directed by: José Luis López Ortiz

Once again, autumn has arrived in Sant Boi and along the path next to the river Llobregat, she convinces himself, with his bicycle, Carla, a very special santboiana who had to leave the city for personal reasons. But today is not a Saturday, despite the fact that in the morning it predicts unstable time, the residents of the city have decided to share a little with Carla and with all of us. And nobody can prevent this from being so, because today - Today yes. Sant Boi, breathe another breath.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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