Knetterende schedels_peliplat
Knetterende schedels_peliplat

Knetterende schedels (2017)

None | Belgium | Dutch | 19 min
Directed by: Kris Verdonck

Knetterende Schedels (Cracking Skulls) - short film 2018, direction and script by Kris J.Y. Verdonck, is the adaptation of the masterful collection of stories "Cracking Skulls" and the pamphlet "Right of Answer" by Roger van de Velde, both published in 1969. Main character Roger is in state psychiatry because of his addiction to Palfium pills. With his razor-sharp journalistic eye and ditto pen he observes the hopeless existence in this tragicomic hell. Central is a shave that Roger undergoes. Will his fellow patient and barber Evarist try to cut his throat? After all, Evarist attributes an inhumanly big hatred to Roger. Evarist had shown to the other patients and the first to Roger a nude photo of a lascivious woman. He is convinced that Roger has betrayed him to the management. He puts the blade on Rogers throat.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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