Voice Over_peliplat
Voice Over_peliplat

Voice Over (2018)

None | Israel | Hebrew | 85 min
Directed by: Eitan Anner, Nir Bergman, Avraham Heffner, Maya Kenig, Sigalit Lipshitz

Fifty years after Slow Down by Avraham Heffner won a prize at Venice Film Festival, top alumni of the Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film School challenge the 1968 legendary black and white thirteeen-minute short, which penetrates the essence of a quarrel and reconciliation between an elderly couple in Tel Aviv of 1967. The voice over stream of consciousness of the heroine's poignant self-examination serves as the launching pad for six modern-day interpretations of couplehood, laced together in contemporary Israel.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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