The Greatest Battle Lies Within_peliplat
The Greatest Battle Lies Within_peliplat

The Greatest Battle Lies Within (2020)

None | Australia | English |
Directed by: Connor Price

Prior to his migration to Australia, Congolese playwright Future D. Fidel witnessed the deaths of both his parents and narrowly avoided being massacred alongside other villagers by child soldiers. His debut play and novel, Prize Fighter, draws on several of his experiences, while using a boxing ring as a metaphor for his protagonist Isa's struggles with violence. The play has since become a hit around Australia for the La Boite Theatre Company. By detailing his story - with the help of actors Pacharo and Gideon Mzembe, and director Todd McDonald - Future provides an example of how art and entertainment can be powerful tools for self-expression.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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