6 Gunn_peliplat
6 Gunn_peliplat
Play trailer

6 Gunn (2017)

None | India | Marathi | 116 min
Directed by: Kiran Gawade

Vidya Sarvade is a topper of Adarsh Vidyalaya. His father is a space research scientist who lives abroad and he lives with his mother who is a strict disciplinarian and has set a daily timetable in which there is no place for fun and enjoyment since she wants him to be first in all aspects. Raju Panse is a new student who joins the school and is good in studies, sports and co curricular activities. He feels a bit anxious of Raju since he suddenly has become the most popular student in the class and he finds it difficult to deal with this change and couldn't concentrate as a result of which Raju tops the class. He feels depressed and the pressure from his mother is adding onto the stress that he is already undergoing.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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