The short film shows and portrays a young couple fighting such as punching, kicking, shooting at each other and throwing objects at each other.
A man grabs a knife and attempts to throw the knife at his girlfriend but he wrongfully aims it at another man, accidentally stabbing him in the arm.
A woman grabs beer bottles and smacks them in her head twice breaking the bottles and making them as her weapons.
A partygoer accidentally gets shot and he falls down after that.
A woman accidentally smacks a beer bottle at a man at which she was trying to hit her boyfriend with it.
A man grabs a laser and attempts to shoot his girlfriend but misses.
A partygoer mentioned to his friend about once being kidnapped in Mexico.
A man gets stab in the shoulder with a cork which he removes it and a patch of blood is also shown from the stab wound.
The young couple keeps accidentally punching and shooting about three partygoers.